"Say Cheese"

Me, Lindsey and Abe Lincoln...made entirely of cheese. He was a bit greasy and smelled rather ripe in the hot July sun. But he saved the Union and looked like he would be delicious on some crackers.
Front room at Cato Corner and home of the farm's Cheese Store on weekends.
The chillest farm cat ever. He'll even ride on your shoulder like a parrot. 
New baby ducks and chicks arrive at the farm!!

New kittens arrive on the farm!! 
I'm starting to think that baby animals are cuter than human babies.

Cheesy grits (and best pancakes ever). I love this place! 
Cheese plate offering at McSorley's in NY.
I was simultaneously impressed and disappointed.
I'm easily impressed by pressurized hose guns.
The one in the milking parlor is by far the coolest on the farm. 

An Ode to Dairy: A Child's Perspective

It doesn't take much to keep accurate time in the cheese room.

"More bubbles please." Goat shenanigans during my day at Beltane Farm.

I asked this cow if she could touch her nose with her tongue. She gave it her best shot. 

Oh look! Curds!

Finishing up a day of cheesemaking with Brad

Rams lounging after a busy breeding season. It's a rough life. 

Aging cheese

For a good time, Penny likes to eat scrap rinds and chase around the sheep she guards.