The Masked Cheese Hero

At the risk of complete embarrassment, I'd like to introduce to you The Provolone Ranger. I'm not a graphic designer or an artist, but these are my very rough versions of what he might look like: a string cheese character, a block of cheese character, or a human character. Clearly, if he became a permanent fixture, I would utilize the talents of someone more skilled at visual art...Kim, I'm looking in your direction.

You're talking to a twenty-something who still watches the Cartoon Network and makes herself sick from eating too much ice cream. So I love the idea of a fun, inviting cheese experience that is welcoming of the young, young-at-heart, and anyone with a sense of humor who loves all things awesome. In sum, pretentious jerks need not apply. It's delicious and it's fun, so don't be a buzzkill.  

I'm not sure if The Provolone Ranger would play a role as a cheese store mascot (via Cheesy Street t-shirts and merch) or as a stand-alone character for a comic cartoon involving cheese related tomfoolery that I create for my personal amusement. I just thought you'd like to meet him. Of course, The Provolone Ranger would ride in the Chevre-olet cheese van, with his love interest, Fun Tina, and sidekicks, Mr. Manchegoat and Camem-Bear. Too much? ... Okay, okay, you're probably right.


  1. Provolone Ranger, you're my hero!

  2. This guy would be perfect if he wasn't already a thing....oh well. We'll think of something!!

    Also, the real one...

  3. I'm going to vote for the humanoid character, b/c that really facilitates dressing up on Halloween. As SOME of us know, dressing up as non-humanoid characters, such as, oh I don't know, a bucket of KFC chicken, can pose unique challenges...
