Things That Are Less Lame in the Cheese World...

1) The word "networking": Previously associated in my mind with the business development term used by lawyers.
          Defined as a) the planned douchebaggery in which lawyers engage to schmooze and accumulate business "friends" in a manner only rivaled by Facebook friend-mongers, all for the purpose of b) making themselves seem capable enough to handle your legal work but in a way that says "hey I'm a high-powered smarty pants, but I'm also well-rounded and down-to-earth. Let say you and I be bros and vaca on Dewey Beach. So give me work? Pay me please?"
Synonyms: well-groomed pan-handling

I have hated using this word even when it was harmless and completely appropriate because of the images of awkward desperation I have often observed at legal events. Now it is associated with small farmers, small business owners, and cheesemakers talking to each other to find the best way to run a business and getting to know good people who are willing to help.

2) Sweating for hours at work: because you're in a steamy 115-degree room cooking and stirring cheese, but not because you are getting yelled at or expect to be yelled at for having unacceptable billable hours for the month.

3) Working a grueling, back-breaking day that starts as soon as you get to work in the morning and doesn't end until after 7:30pm. In other words, I'm tired (but in a rewarded way). So more to come on the first day as a bonafide cheese apprentice later.

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